It's pretty hard to get me interested in conspiracy theories, but this one has me. I certainly don't believe in global warming, the whole thing has never run true and the ludicrous headlines like "Climate change 'could kill 400,000 children every year'" don't help.
It amazes me that the BBC has not picked this up, and that it can get away with not mentioning Climategate. Try this google search: - only 5 matches, no mention at all in a story, only in comments:
"After daring to mention climategate, I hope the thought police there at
the Ministry of Truth are going to leave Michael's mind in tact for the
next show."
Then see the BBC's 'science & environment' page (an Orwellian attempt to bring these two together). All they have is:
Inquiry into stolen climate e-mails
Past climate anomalies explained
The BBC has apparently
told people to avoid giving sceptics any air time, according to a long time newsreader - also
see this:
He said: "The Corporation's most famous interrogators invariably begin by
accepting that "the science is settled", when there are countless
reputable scientists and climatologists producing work that says it isn't.
"But it is effectively BBC policy... that those views should not be heard."
In comparison the Sunday Times devoted a
whole page and
a bit to it, as did Sat Telegraph (see my previous entry).
Or try searching for 'climategate' at The Guardian:
George Monbiot, a long term global warming campaigner who writes the for Guardian, called for the resignation of Phil Jones.
But note the subbie line "Climate sceptics have lied, obscured and
cheated for years. That's why
we climate rationalists must uphold the highest standards of science".
He also calls non-believers 'scumbags', accuses them of 'outright
fabrication, fraud and deceit', and says that they have mounted a
grotesque campaign of lies. He also wrote a book called "Heat: How We Can Stop the Planet Burning"
I did a straw poll of people at my table at the pub other other night -
all think global warming is rubbish, or at least wildly overdone. I
make a point of asking people - I note that those who do believe in
global warming get very upset at any indication that I might not be a
believer. Reminds me of a few religions I know.
Google's top result under 'climategate' is currently this, a nice summary of the email issues: manipulation of evidence, private doubts about whether the world really is heating up, suppression of evidence, fantasies of violence against prominent Climate Sceptic scientists, attempts to disguise the inconvenient truth of the Medieval Warm Period (MWP)
Meanwhile, in our 'Only in the UK' category, we have this story:
GPs 'should offer climate change advice to patients'
Their controversial plan would see GPs and nurses give out advice to their
patients on how to lower their carbon footprint.
The Council believes that climate change “threatens to radically undermine the
health of all peoples”.
The only positive thing is that it is generally impossible to actually see your GP in the UK (since there is no charge), so the brainwashing effect of this will be minimal.