The news for environmentalists on the oil side just keeps getting worse and worse. Now it is down to $56, which is almost cheap. At this price a number of new-age exotic oil producers will have to think about shutting up shop.
If this is peak oil, the peak is upside down. It must be excruciatingly embarrassing for environmentalists who have claimed that peak oil has already happened (in 2007 in fact) and that we are now on the downward slow of running out of oil.
Of course you can mess around with vast amounts of analysis if you like but the fact it there is no peak oil.
I can hardly image the pain of being so completely and utterly wrong.
Surely some sort of quiet retreat is in order? Ah yes, it seems the environmentalists are doing just that. Here we see the beginning of a climb-down:
Whether the peak is here already or will not come untill 2012, as is
the average of opinions among oil experts, is irrelevant.The Hirsch
report spells out in clear financial terms that it will take a crash
course of at least twenty years to respond, so it is already too late
for a smooth transition. Hence the economic upheavals have begun.
There I was thinking that it had already happened, and there was nothing we could do to stop it. But no, it won't happen for 5 years and justifies that by saying that it's still a crisis, because it will take 20 years to respond.
Excuse my scepticism, but What A Load Of Crap.
The leaked IAE report referred to has now come out. It says that there is no sign of peak oil before 2030! That is more than 20 years away. It is so far away that we needn't even think about it.
The message is that oil supply will continue to increase for another 20 years. Beyond that, assuming we still want the stuff, my bet is that it will go on increasing after that too.World oil supply is projected to rise to 106 million barrels a day in 2030 from 84 million in 2007, with the bulk of the increase expected to come from members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
Environmentalists need to grow some honesty and admit that peak oil is scam.
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