I have been complaining about how everyone seems to be giving National an absurd honeymoon, and the hypocrisy of fawning over what was the enemy only a week ago. Such is politics, I suppose. It continues today. Just read this (hat tip Kiwiblog) which talks about how great it is that the Maori Party will be in government:
But Key is the key. If he wants a deal for the right reasons it will work.
Is this guy looking for jobs in the Beehive, perhaps?
And what about this:
It reminds me more of a Batman film than real life. I am very pleased that we appear to have a PM who has an understanding of how the world economy works. It could be a real boon. But is this the same paper that seriously reported Dr Cullen's comments that he can't be trusted because he once worked Merril Lynch, which then hit trouble?
But don't worry, all is not lost. Here is a bloke who voted Labour, hates National, and is not doing any fawning at all:
In an angry letter to the network, McGlashan said he had never voted National and "would rather have sex with a very ugly crayfish than let them use my music".
"Of course I am in no way criticising the process of democracy or New Zealanders' right to throw out the best government we've had in years because we happen to be a bit bored, but you might as well know I've never voted National."
If this is the sort of person who doesn't fawn over National, I'll rescind my comments and live with the fawning. What a nutter! At least he still has his sense of humour. I hope that's what it is because the alternative is too awful to contemplate.
Anchor Me, recorded for 1993 album Salty, was used by Greenpeace - with McGlashan's blessing - to mark the 20th anniversary of the 1985 Rainbow Warrior bombing in Auckland Harbour.
Oh well that's ok then. Maybe he is an environmentalist.
UPDATE: Gray Bartlett, one of New Zealand's most successful guitarists, holds forth against this dopey specimen (Hat Tip: Whailoil)
"McGlashan and his insular lefties show their hate for anything other than the crippling Soviet-style music politics of the Labour Party, and especially [former Prime Minister] Helen Clark, who are only interested in building as many leftie socialists as possible through their social welfarism music policies.
I think we should have a stage fight!
"I have been complaining about how everyone seems to be giving National an absurd honeymoon, and the hypocrisy of fawning over what was the enemy only a week ago."
May I point out this (http://antidismal.blogspot.com/2008/11/keys-economic-understanding.html) and this (http://antidismal.blogspot.com/2008/11/national-act-and-maori-party.html).
Posted by: Paul Walker | November 16, 2008 at 01:48 PM
Thanks for reminding me - I wanted to blog about your first post but forgot at the time...
I wonder what your thoughts are now. Still a significant movement from the economics of a Labour-Greens government, surely!
Posted by: The Optimist | November 16, 2008 at 09:09 PM