Well this blog started in March this year. Partly it was a way of letting of steam at all the madness in the world, much of it to do with environmentalisms. Partly it was an experiment to see whether I would last a week or a month.
So far I haven't felt the urge to stop. Environmentalists are as mental as ever and there is no shortage of material. I have a stack of topics a mile high and blog on less than a quarter of the things I would like to. Sadly I don't have time to be a full time blogger. To be honest I don't really have time to even be a part time one.
I note that the guys at The Standard and Frogblog are paid to blog, and even get a nice office to do it in. I suspect that the payments you receive for blogging are in direct proportion to your level of insanity, but I have no proof as yet.
The change of government offers a change of scene. It is funny seeing different people on the box and different names in the paper. Refreshing, I suppose. Perhaps that's why we voted for a change. But this is not really a political blog, like so many in New Zealand, more about environmentalism.
But that's important enough. Environmentalism is the scourge of the modern world, the opium of the secular masses and the brain tonic of the fool. As an ideology it is broad enough to encompass opposition to free trade, oil extraction, private cars, energy use and economic growth. Its converts run from mad scientists like James Hansen (who famously defended a group of 6 environmentalist vandals on the basis that they were saving the planet from more CO2) to deluded former politicians like Al Gore (who famously claimed to have invented the Internet, and has the power bill to prove it).
Environmentalism has been called the new religion because of its power to entrap young minds. It is actively taught in schools from age 5, even (or even particularly) those with no other religious instruction. It is now more socially acceptable to admit to being unfaithful to your spouse than to admit to not recycling. The former affects only a few families - the latter destroys the planet!
Local body politicians have found environmentalism a convenient vehicle. They can whack those who don't vote for them anyway with silly new rules, while whipping their environmentalist supporter into a majority-enhancing lather of ecstasy. As a bonus, they get to increase rates to pay for their pet projects.
Central government has not behaved much better. Environmentalism has been used as an excuse to avoid solving traffic and electricity problems, to avoid lowering (and even raise) petrol taxes and to buy up large chunks of land for the state.
All in all, environmentalism's battle against the civilised world is worth resisting, in whatever small way we can.
For the moment, this is my way. I hope you like it and find it entertaining, and maybe even useful. If not, I'm sure you're let me know in the comments.
(pic from Aedificium)
Hey, congratulations. You might like my latest post :)
Posted by: scrubone | November 26, 2008 at 08:10 PM